Help prevent tooth pain, decay, and gum disease to keep your mouth healthy.
Same-day emergency appointments. Call by noon and we will see you today!
Crowns strengthen and restore damaged teeth and fill gaps.
Fillings restore damaged teeth and help prevent tooth decay.
Join the 15 million smiles straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
We offer many tooth replacement options like Implants, Crowns, and Dentures.
When you invest money into something you’ve been saving for, it’s natural to want to know how far those funds will go and whether the commitment is really worth your time. Dental implants are a perfect example of a long-term investment that can result in a fair amount of thought prior to placement. Our West Michigan dental implant dentists understand this and want to relay the details needed for an informed decision. Here’s what you should know about the lifespan of dental implants and why they last as long as they do. Strong Materials & Solid Design If you’re curious as to why dental implants get billed as long-lasting, all you have to do is learn about their base materials and overall design. Most commonly, implants are constructed using titanium alloy which is highly resistant to fracture, non-corrosive, and much better at handling pressure over time than other tooth replacement options. In terms of how they’re designed, a dental implant is meant to mimic a natural tooth root. Sure, it’s not the same, but all of the necessary components are there and because the implant is placed surgically, it’s able to become a permanent part of your mouth instead of...
When you don’t like the color of your teeth, there’s whitening. If it’s their straightness you’re concerned about, Invisalign® will get the job done. But what about when you’re not in love with the shape of a tooth or two? Our West Michigan cosmetic dentists have just the thing: cosmetic contouring. Here’s how this procedure works and how it can positively affect how you feel about your smile. What Is Cosmetic Contouring? Also referred to as dental contouring or teeth reshaping, cosmetic contouring involves our dentists artfully taking off a portion of your tooth’s enamel to change how the tooth itself looks. For example, many patients don’t like how pointy their canine teeth appear. This procedure allows us to smooth them out a bit without compromising their function. Because of their similarities, you may also hear cosmetic bonding referenced in the same sentence as contouring. Both can be used to repair chips, cracks, and small gaps in between teeth though cosmetic contouring focuses more on altering the shape and length. Our dentists would be happy to help you decide what’s best for you. How It’s Done There are a few minor preparations that need to happen before our dentists can...
Are you someone who tends to put off seeing a dentist even when it feels like something is really wrong? Though it is tempting, our West MI emergency dentists strongly urge you to trust your gut and receive the care you need. Dental emergencies are no joke and should be dealt with ASAP. Here are 4 common dental emergencies that can have a lasting effect on your oral health if they’re not treated soon after they occur. Please Seek Treatment For: 1. Fully Knocked-Out Teeth Maybe it happened when you didn’t swing in time during your last baseball game. Or maybe it was when you didn’t see that rogue frisbee coming. However it occurred, it resulted in an oral injury and a knocked-out tooth. If you find yourself in this situation, try not to panic. Instead, pick the tooth up by the crown, or top, to avoid damage to the roots. Rinse off any debris or dirt that may be on it and if possible, try to put the tooth back into the socket. If not, place it in milk so it does not dry out. Be sure to call one of our West Michigan dental offices once you realize...
Scheduling teeth cleanings and attending them might feel like a chore but the experience is well worth it in the long run. Otherwise, stubborn tartar and plaque will remain on your teeth unless professional tools from our West Michigan dentists are used. Skipping your appointments can be tempting but your teeth and gums may pay the price. Here’s why receiving a teeth cleaning at least twice a year matters for your smile. Frequency Standard for Teeth Cleanings Most dentists, including ours, agree that you should have your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months, or twice a year. This accepted standard allows our dentists and our dental hygienists to keep tabs on the health of your teeth and gums. Now, if you have a history of gum disease or a recent dental issue was found at your last appointment, you may need to visit one of our offices more frequently. Every patient is different and our staff can advise you on your teeth cleaning timeline should you deviate from the standard. Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth on your own is beneficial but does not effectively remove all plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup. If you want to prevent tooth decay and...
When you’re preparing to fill in a gap in your smile left by a lost tooth, you want to be sure of the restoration you choose. As far as non-surgical options go, our West MI dentists recommend a dental bridge, especially if you don’t need an entire arch of teeth replaced. Here’s what you should know about dental bridges and why they’re a worthy choice for missing teeth. An Argument for Tooth Replacement A missing tooth is just a gap in your smile, right? Not quite. There are more motivations behind replacing teeth than just aesthetics. For instance, if you have recently had a tooth knocked out due to an accident, you may have more trouble speaking properly or chewing your food. Our dentists want you to have a happy, healthy smile. If that means introducing restorative options like a dental bridge, dental implants, or dentures, then we’ll work with you to give you what you need most. Instances That Call for a Dental Bridge How are you supposed to know when you should mull over the idea of getting a dental bridge? Well, there are a few qualifications that make someone eligible for such a restoration. One of those...
When something is wrong with your tooth, it should feel painful, right? Not always. A perfect example of this is a cavity that’s early in its development. However, not all hope is lost as there are small ways you may be tipped off to the cavity’s existence. Of course, a thorough examination by our West Michigan dentists is also recommended. Here are 4 signs of a cavity to pay attention to before the tooth decay worsens. Why Cavities Happen in the First Place It all comes down to diet and how committed you are to an oral hygiene routine. If you’re someone who only brushes their teeth once a day, rarely flosses, and loves sugary drinks, you may be at higher risk for developing cavities and needing cavity treatment. Some individuals are also genetically predisposed to getting a cavity due to enamel strength or tooth structure. Related Post -> How Long Can You Wait to Fill a Cavity? Now, if you brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss once daily, and receive a professional teeth cleaning every 6 months as our dentists recommend, you’re golden. Otherwise, food and bacteria have more of a chance to build up on...
Most people move through their at-home oral hygiene routines only brushing their teeth. Flossing is often ignored unless there is a piece of food stuck or you’re a week or so out from your next teeth cleaning. However, our West MI dentists encourage you to floss at least once every day for the sake of your oral health. Here’s what you need to know about flossing and why it’s important. What Flossing Does for Your Mouth Sure, flossing is a task that takes time out of your day. That’s not how you should look at it though as it’s more than that. Flossing in between teeth helps to remove plaque which otherwise can build up and form tartar. If left alone, tartar can lead to cavities and gum disease. Even tooth loss may occur in cases where tartar has been severely neglected. In reality, flossing pulls more weight than people assume and without it, you’re leaving areas of your teeth and gums unclean. Types of Floss Available The oral care aisle at the grocery store offers a slew of options when it comes to floss. So, how do you know which one to choose? Our dentists recommend selecting the type...
There are multiple instances in which our West MI dentists will recommend that you receive a dental crown. However, the placement of a crown isn’t always necessary and other methods may prove to work better given your specific needs. So when can you likely expect the dental crown procedure? Most of the time, it's quite obvious. Here’s what you need to know about dental crowns and 4 situations where our team of dentists may make the decision to place one. Purpose of a Dental Crown Dental crowns are primarily designed to restore the shape, size, and strength of a natural tooth that’s located underneath. Think of them like a helmet for your tooth. Of course, there is also the added benefit that crowns aesthetically look nice and seamlessly blend in with a patient’s smile. Many patients with severe tooth discoloration may choose to have crowns placed over affected teeth, for instance. A form of permanent dental restoration, crowns will firmly stay put once cemented in place by our dentists. The most popular type of crowns are made of tooth-colored porcelain or ceramic, though pediatric dentists often use stainless steel crowns for children. A Dental Crown Can Help If You Have:...
Be honest, if given the option to have a whiter smile it’s likely you would accept the offer. Many adults dream of having that camera-ready smile which is why they turn to natural teeth whitening methods. Unfortunately, “natural” doesn’t always mean safe or healthy. Our West Michigan cosmetic dentists instead recommend professional teeth whitening. Here’s what you need to know about 3 natural whitening tricks and why they shouldn’t be trusted. Our Dentists Recommend You Avoid: 1. Using Acidic Fruits on Teeth This is a common approach heralded by DIY teeth whitening “experts”. The idea is to rub fresh fruit (or their peels) over your teeth to make them brighter by removing dark stains. Fruits used for this method are naturally acidic and often include lemons, oranges, or pineapples. Though it might seem fine because these fruits are good for you, the sugar and acid contained within them can cause tooth decay and enamel erosion. Instead of a whiter smile, you may actually do more damage to your teeth in the long run. After all, enamel is what helps protect you from tooth sensitivity and cavities. Our cosmetic dentists recommend you stick to consuming these fruits in their whole form...
Feeling stressed is a natural part of life. However, it’s best to limit how much stress you experience on a daily basis, or it can have some less than desirable effects on your body. A few of those effects can materialize in your mouth of all places but luckily, our dentists at MI Smiles Dental are here to help. Here are 4 ways stress can take a toll on your oral health and a few corresponding treatments designed to repair or reduce damage caused. Stress and Your Body: What Are the Effects? If you’ve ever been stressed over an upcoming deadline, family situation, or another thing entirely, you know the power it can have on your well-being. By this we’re referring to both the physical and emotional symptoms of stress such as: Headaches Stomachaches Irritability or anger Anxiety Muscle tension or pain Fatigue Sleep disruption Diet changes Most people, however, do not consider the effects of stress when it comes to the jaws, teeth, and gums. Your oral health is just as important as your overall health so it’s key that you watch out for warning signs and aim to reduce your stress levels. Depending on how exactly stress is...
Unlike in years past, you now have more options when it comes to straightening your smile. One alternative form of treatment that closely mimics the efficiency of traditional braces and is proudly provided by our West Michigan cosmetic dentists is Invisalign®. Yes, the surge in popularity of clear aligners has proven that it’s not all about brackets and wires anymore if you don’t want it to be! To help familiarize you with this option before a potential consultation with our team, here are our answers to commonly asked questions about Invisalign clear aligners. What Does Invisalign Treatment Involve? Invisalign can be described as virtually invisible dental aligners designed to gradually straighten teeth and adjust a patient’s bite over time. This alternative to traditional metal braces is perfect for individuals looking for straight, healthy teeth without the hassle of metal wires or brackets. Our Invisalign dentists will begin the clear aligner process by conducting a comprehensive examination of your teeth and oral structure to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for treatment. Using our in-house iTero® digital scanner, we’ll take precise, 3D digital impressions of your teeth—no messy or goopy molds required. These detailed impressions are then sent to the Invisalign...
It’s a familiar scenario that’s happened to many of us: you’re in conversation with a friend or relative when they tell you that your breath stinks. First comes the embarrassment, then the confusion. You brushed your teeth earlier so how could your breath smell bad? There are many possible causes of bad breath, and some are easier to pin down than others. Determining the real reason behind the odor often requires a thorough oral examination performed by one of our dentists. Here are a few common causes of chronic bad breath, or halitosis, and quick tips on how to eliminate the smell altogether. What is Halitosis? In the medical field, bad breath is known as halitosis. This commonly shared condition can result from a range of causes such as poor oral hygiene habits and diet. Certain lifestyle choices, like smoking, can also exacerbate current bad breath and make it harder to treat. Some cases of halitosis can be simple to remedy at home while more severe instances can hint at an underlying disease. Oftentimes, those will require medical intervention either by a family physician or one of our dentists. If you feel as though you have tried everything, please do...
Porcelain veneers are an excellent solution to various cosmetic dentistry concerns for many patients. Veneers can make your teeth look straighter, whiter, and more appealing than you ever thought possible. However, not every patient is a candidate for porcelain veneers. Here are some qualities that our dentists look for in excellent veneer patients. Many Cosmetic Issues If you desire whiter and straighter teeth, both of these concerns can be corrected with veneers. Additionally, if a tooth is unable to be bleached because it’s dead and suffers from tetracycline staining, veneers may be their only option. Veneers can also be used to help mild misalignment of crooked teeth, fix gaps, chipped teeth, and unevenly sized teeth. In summary, if you have multiple cosmetic problems with your teeth, veneers can help improve your smile. Healthy Teeth If you have tooth decay, cracked teeth, gingivitis or gum disease, you are most likely not a good candidate for veneers. We cannot put veneers on unhealthy teeth since it will make your tooth conditions worse. We can do conservative all porcelain crown restorations which look the same as porcelain veneers once the decay and gingivitis or periodontal disease is treated. You Don’t Grind or Clench...
Many people have heard of fluoride and that it is good for our teeth. Do you know why, and how it works? Read on to learn more about fluoride and why it is vital to a healthy smile. What is Fluoride? Fluoride is a mineral that is naturally found in the earth’s crust, as well as in nature. It is added to drinking water to help prevent tooth decay. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities by concentrating in the growing bones and teeth of children, hardening adult teeth before they emerge, as well as strengthening enamel on adult teeth that have already emerged. How Does Fluoride Work? After we eat, our saliva contains acids that can cause calcium and phosphorus to dissolve under the tooth’s surface. Fluoride can help to harden the minerals in your teeth, strengthening them and preventing damage in the future. Fluoride Treatment Options Topical fluoride treatments can be applied directly to the teeth, and can include toothpaste, mouth rinse, and professional fluoride treatments. Topical fluoride is only placed in the mouth for a short period of time, though fluoride levels will remain high in the mouth for several hours after treatments. Professional fluoride treatments can be applied...
There are two different types of tooth extraction, referred to as simple extractions and surgical extraction. When teeth no longer have a functional place in your mouth or are damaged beyond repair, our dentists may recommend that you have them removed for your comfort and health. What are the Indications for Tooth Removal? Wisdom Teeth One of the most common reasons for surgical extraction is for wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth will need to be surgically removed if they are impacted or are improperly positioned to be able to erupt or function properly. It used to be thought that wisdom teeth need to be extracted so that your teeth will not crowd, shift, or cause orthodontic work to relapse. But, after decades of observing patients who have had wisdom teeth extracted and still have teeth shift, crowd, and orthodontic work relapse, research now shows that the same tendency exists whether the wisdom teeth are extracted or not. Wisdom teeth should be extracted if there is not room for them to erupt properly because patients who have impacted wisdom teeth can develop cysts, abscesses, decay, or even cancer around their impacted wisdom teeth. It is best to have wisdom teeth extracted...
Receiving dentures can be life changing, allowing you to speak, bite, chew, and smile normally! Whether you have partial or full dentures, your device will require special care to ensure it is long lasting and looking its best. Here’s how to properly care for your dentures. Cleaning Your Dentures Properly cleaning your dentures is important to avoid staining and keep your gums and mouth healthy. When removing and cleaning your dentures, be careful not to bend or damage the plastic or clasps. Your dentures should be removed and rinsed after eating to remove any food particles. The dentures should be brushed at least once a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture cleanser. While your dentures are out, it’s a good idea to brush your gums and tongue as well. Soaking Your Dentures Overnight Dentures need to stay moist to maintain the correct shape and fit. When taking your dentures out at night, place them in water or a denture soaking solution and keep them in a safe place. If you use a denture solution, be sure to rinse the dentures before putting them back in your mouth. Things to Avoid When brushing your dentures, you’ll want to avoid hard...
When teeth are lost due to injury or disease, dentures can be used to restore a smile and help individuals with eating and speaking. If you are getting dentures, read on for what to expect and some tips for adjusting to your new smile. What to Initially Expect New dentures may feel uncomfortable or awkward for a while before you become used to them. They may feel loose while the muscles of your cheeks and tongue get accustomed to keeping them in place. You may experience some mild irritation or soreness, which is to be expected while your mouth adjusts to the dentures. You may also notice that you experience more saliva flow for a while. However, as your mouth becomes more accustomed to the dentures, these issues should diminish. Tips for Eating When you first begin to use your dentures, eating will take a bit of practice. You should start with cutting soft foods into small pieces and chewing slowly. As you become more comfortable with chewing, other, firmer foods can return to your diet. Be sure to chew food on both sides of the mouth to prevent the dentures from tipping. Also, be careful when eating hot or...
Achieving white, radiant teeth can feel like an uphill task when it comes to reversing stains from everyday things like drinking coffee or red wine. Fortunately, you’ve got options when it comes to finding the whitening method that fits you best. Whether you want fast, professional results or some effective products to use on your own time, we offer great results at our multiple MI Smiles Dental offices. Here’s what to know about picking the right teeth whitening method for you. Laser Teeth Whitening: Pros and Cons Laser technologies are an increasingly-popular option when it comes to cosmetic treatments. Although most people associate lasers with sci-fi and action movies, laser treatments can produce some amazing, professional-grade results. Our dentists perform laser teeth whitening with a quick and simple procedure that takes less than an hour or two. There’s very little pain or discomfort associated with this treatment and it even produces instant results. This makes it a great option for big events where you need fast, effective results. Most patients only need one appointment to produce long-term results, making it a great investment. If you’re concerned about tooth sensitivity afterwards, then our dentists can make sure you know what to...
For individuals who have experienced serious dental injuries or oral diseases, dental crowns might provide a sense of relief and enable them to eat and speak without pain or other difficulties. Our dentists serve the residents of Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, and Comstock Park, MI. We offer dental crowns at each of our MI Smiles Dental locations for patients with damaged teeth. Dental Crown Overview Dental crowns are a collection of synthetic material created to protect a damaged tooth. The Reasons Dental Crowns Are Used Crowns might be used for a variety of reasons, such as to cover a large portion of a tooth damaged by long-standing decay, providing protection for a chipped or cracked tooth, improving the aesthetic appeal of a discolored tooth, affixing a tooth to a dental implant, and providing filling for a tooth that has been subjected to root canal therapy. The Length Of Time Dental Crowns Last If properly maintained, crowns might last for several decades. However, long-standing durability and longevity often depend upon how well the crown is cared for. Maintenance Tips Dental crowns should last for many years provided those who possess these dental components to adhere to the following maintenance tips: Practice...
Let’s face it — who doesn’t want a set of perfectly aligned teeth? But the thought of years of unsightly metal braces can scare most of us away from taking the next step. Fortunately, modern technology offers an answer for those of us wanting a perfect smile without the shiny side effects! Using advanced computer software and a patented thermoplastic material, Invisalign® offers a custom dental alignment solution, without any metal. Our dentists at MI Smiles Dental offer a number of Invisalign options for those ready to get started. Invisalign Full The Invisalign Full treatment can treat most orthodontic problems over the course of one to two years. At the beginning of treatment, detailed measurements are taken and sent off for manufacturing. A series of nearly invisible plastic aligners will be produced that will slowly move your teeth into the right position. The aligners must be replaced every few weeks and will need to be kept in place for at least 20-22 hours each day. Invisalign Express For those with fewer misalignments, Invisalign Express offers a faster path to a perfect smile. Taking about 6 months, Invisalign Express involves a shorter series of aligners than the regular Invisalign system. It...
Toothaches are often a reminder to take care of our teeth, as they are highly sensitive. This can be achieved by seeing your dentists regularly, at least twice a year. Sometimes, however, more than just a teeth cleaning is required. Millions of people have saved their teeth and overall oral health by undergoing root canal therapy and other dental treatment procedures that guarantee good oral health. What is a Root Canal? A root canal is a common procedure done to remove bacteria and other disease-causing pathogens from infected teeth or root canals. The root canal treats the infection and prevents it from reinfection, thus saving the tooth and infected area. The center of the tooth is called the pulp. When the pulp is infected, the patient undergoes a root canal, ensuring that the infected or inflamed area is removed. After that, the tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and then finally sealed. What Happens During Root Canal Treatment? A root canal is often a quick and harmless procedure. If our dentists recommend a root canal for you, there’s no need to be alarmed. Millions of dental problems have been treated this way, and millions of teeth saved. It is a quick way...
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a painful condition that causes the sliding hinge joint of the jaw to malfunction. Unfortunately, TMJ disorder is a common condition. The American Dental Association estimates around 10 million Americans suffer from TMJ conditions. If you’re one of them, then here’s what to know about the causes and how you can find relief. What Causes a TMJ Disorder? Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly referred to as TMD, is a condition that is sometimes difficult to diagnose. Often, TMJ disorders are caused by the wear and tear of the sliding joint of the jaw. The bones that interact with one another in this joint are covered in protective cartilage and shock-absorbing disks. As these protective components break down, the bones will begin to rub together and cause discomfort. The breakdown of these tissues can be caused by: The joint discs moving out of alignment or becoming damaged through erosion Arthritis causing the cartilage to break down in the joint The joint sustaining an injury What Are the Symptoms of TMJ Disorders? The symptoms of a TMJ disorder can vary according to its severity. Many people only suffer from temporary flares of symptoms. For others, TMD can become...
Crowns are a great way to fix broken and decayed teeth. Unfortunately, crowns are not made from the same material that your teeth are. That means that the process for whitening them is different. Many people wonder if there is a way to brighten a crown after they have had dental work done to their teeth. Understanding Crowns A crown is made from porcelain or composite porcelain. A consultation with Dr. Zwier can help you decide whether you need a crown. If you do, we will take an impression of the tooth and then create a cap that will then be fitted to the top of the tooth. This crown is then bonded to the existing teeth. A crown is designed to last about seven years. Your dentist should always make sure that the porcelain crown matches up with the actual color of your natural teeth. However, if your natural teeth begin to yellow or stain over time, the crown can actually appear whiter than the teeth around it. However, the crown will never yellow or stain. It will remain white for as long as you have it. Whitening Your Crowns You will find that tooth whiteners fall into three different categories: Pastes...
It’s common for people to feel like they can put off filling a dental cavity, especially when it doesn't hurt. Unfortunately, our West MI dentists want to advise patients that if treatment is delayed for too long, a small cavity can transform into a serious issue that will negatively affect your oral health. In other words, don’t wait extensive amounts of time to receive a tooth-colored filling when the risk of developing other complications outweighs the complexity of the restorative procedure. Here’s why cavities should be treated as soon as possible and not ignored. Cavities Explained A cavity is a hole in the tooth that has been caused by tooth decay. Any individual, no matter their age, can develop cavities if proper oral hygiene habits are not practiced. For many patients, cavities occur due to a combination of foods consumed and inadequate teeth cleaning. Related Post -> 4 Early Cavity Signs When Your Tooth Doesn’t Hurt Despite cavities being a very common problem, they are preventable. At-home dental care paired with regular checkups every 6 months in one of our offices will help you to avoid the formation of a cavity. It can be hard at times to know if...
Your teeth are held in place by tooth roots, jawbone tissue, gums, and other teeth. Once you lose one, your risk of further tooth loss increases significantly. This can lead to reduced self-confidence and other complications down the road. Fortunately, our West Michigan dentists can help you explore different ways to replace missing teeth before they affect your oral health. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider tooth replacement. Is It Necessary to Replace Missing Teeth? Tooth replacement is in your best interest and highly recommended. Why? Well, as soon as you replace a missing tooth, you improve the overall health of your mouth. The space left by a missing tooth can negatively affect your nutrition by limiting the foods you consume, the surrounding teeth, and your jawbone. Depending on your preferences, you have a few options to choose from when it comes to restoring your smile. All are incredibly effective and mimic both the look and function of real teeth. For example, if you’re not adverse to oral surgery and want a more permanent solution, we recommend dental implants. Non-surgical alternatives include full and partial dentures as well as dental bridges. Generally, Tooth Replacement Allows For: 1. An...
Plenty of things in life are a “pain” to deal with. But one that can literally be painful and disruptive is tooth sensitivity. An estimated 1 in 8 adults in the U.S. experience sensitive teeth and there are a number of factors that play into why it happens. With this issue being so prevalent, it’s no wonder patients look to our West Michigan dentists for answers and solutions. If you’re someone who suffers from sensitive teeth, keep reading to learn more about symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention. Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth One of the biggest symptoms of sensitive teeth is radiating pain, much like a toothache. More specifically, the discomfort is at the roots of the affected teeth, causing the pain to feel deeper. This is because tooth roots are not covered by hard enamel and have thousands of small tubules or channels that lead to the inner part of your tooth. Stimuli, like a drink, are able to go right through the tubules and easily aggravate the nerve. Sensitivity becomes more obvious when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Cold air, brushing and flossing teeth, or using alcohol-based mouthwash can also result in discomfort. Symptoms can...
As a child, I remember trekking through the woods behind my house in search of the mysterious fountain of youth. Fast forward 30 years and my lower back pain is no indication of a successful quest. Wouldn’t it be nice if our childhood fantasies actually came true? I mean throw us a bone. At the end of the day, nothing truly lasts forever, but some things last a lot longer than others. So, how does this relate to dental implants? While they can’t last a lifetime, they can outlast you. How Long Do Dental Implants Last? Has your mother or father ever said, “this is why we can’t have nice things”? Maybe you dropped your phone or left your windows down in a thunderstorm. The point is things last longer when properly cared for. Dental implants are no different. Let me ask you a question. If your oil change light came on would you say, “that's just a recommendation, Ol’ Bessie here can take a few thousand more miles”? Fast forward a few thousand miles and you may find yourself on the side of a highway during rush hour. You then proceed to get your car towed only to have...
Let me ask you a question… how often do you speak and chew in a day? The simple answer is: A LOT! For me my bites are heavily influenced by what is brought home from the grocery store (if it’s a bag of chips & salsa - game over). On a real note, we speak an average of 7,000+ words a day. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth those 7,000+ words & countless bites become more difficult. So what’s the solution? Dental implants, the most durable device for replacing teeth. Even better, they look and function like real teeth! What are Dental Implants? The typical Google definition is: a surgical component that works with the bone of the jaw or skull to hold a dental prosthesis like a crown, denture, bridge, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. This definition sounds like it was pulled straight from a 700 page dental school textbook, not super helpful. I mean what even is ‘dental prosthesis?’ Here is a better definition for those of you who don’t pass time reading medical textbooks and journals: think of dental implants like tree roots. Roots become part of the soil, similarly...
Insurance is not always intuitive. Sometimes you need help grasping the details, terms used, and frankly, your dental plan as a whole. Naturally, it can take some time to familiarize yourself with everything. In this blog, we’ll be breaking down the concept of dental insurance and teaching you the basics of what you need to know. Should you have any further questions, we will do our best to help. What is Dental Insurance? Dental insurance is a form of health insurance built to cover a portion of the costs associated with dental care. There are many providers of dental insurance and all differ in the types of services that they will cover and how much it costs to purchase a plan. Many employers offer dental insurance benefits for their employees. There are often options for individuals, families, and groups. When you’re new to the insurance realm, all of the jargon used can be confusing. Let’s go over a few very common terms real quick. Some common terms to look out for are: Annual Maximum: The total amount your dental plan will pay during a year. Maximums are determined by either your employer or the dental plan as a whole. You...
Throughout everyday life, saliva is taken for granted. It’s only when there isn’t enough of it that we notice its absence. A lack of saliva in your mouth often results in dry mouth, a common condition experienced by many. Continue reading to discover what dry mouth is, common causes, symptoms, and how our dentists can help. What is Dry Mouth? Dry mouth, or xerostomia, describes a condition in which an individual’s salivary glands do not produce enough natural saliva to keep their mouth wet. Those who suffer from dry mouth know it to be uncomfortable and frustrating especially when a cause is not immediately obvious. Common Causes If you are experiencing dry mouth, it could be due to: Medications being taken Aging Cancer therapy Nerve damage Underlying health conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or more Tobacco and alcohol use It is with a proper oral examination and review of your full health history that our dentists can determine what is responsible for your dry mouth. Symptoms and Risks Associated with Dry Mouth There are several notable symptoms tied to dry mouth. These symptoms should not be ignored as prolonged dry mouth can increase your risk for tooth decay, gum...
Choosing the right restorative solution to correct a dental issue can be a lot to take in. You want your smile to regain its strength, but you don’t want long-term care to be intensive. Thankfully, our West Michigan dental implant dentists have a solution. Where dentures have their drawbacks, dental implants are proven to last for decades without the need for repairs or adjustments. If you’ve grown weary of your dentures or you’re looking for a way to restore your smile, a dental implant (or multiple) could help. Are you ready for dental implants? Here are 6 signs you might be. 1. Missing Teeth One of the most obvious reasons for a tooth replacement option like dental implants is a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. No matter how you lost them, it can be a source of shame and embarrassment in your life. Related Post -> 5 Key Reasons Why Tooth Replacement is a Good Idea Our dentists are here to help. A dental implant is carefully placed in each available spot and will be as strong and durable as a natural tooth. Dental implant care also only requires regular brushing and flossing so there is no need to stress over...
Whether you’re the proud recipient of one dental implant or multiple, our West Michigan dentists want you to know how to properly care for them. Despite dental implants consisting of an artificial tooth root topped with a crown, you still should practice good dental hygiene to keep them (and your natural teeth) in ideal shape. Let’s look at 5 tips that our dentists recommend you follow when caring for dental implants. 1. Use Gentle or Sensitive Cleaning Products After you receive dental implants, you’ll want to switch over to a soft toothbrush and sensitive cleaning products if you haven’t already. These items will prevent any discomfort that may occur and allow for easier oral care. Nylon toothbrushes work great as the bristles are flexible and gentle on your dental implants. Toothbrushes containing hard bristles can scratch the surface of your implants so these and any type of metal instrument used for cleaning should be avoided. Try to also stay away from any toothpaste or mouthwash that is abrasive. Products of this nature, like charcoal or whitening toothpastes, can cause discomfort and intense flavors can result in an uncomfortable mouth feeling. 2. Floss and Brush Every Day Even with dental implants,...
With regards to oral health, most people when asked would probably say that their teeth are what matter most. What shouldn’t be overlooked, however, is the condition of your gums. If your gums are not healthy and are showing signs of gum disease, our West Michigan dentists warn that it can be detrimental to the rest of your mouth. Fortunately, when gum disease is still in its early stages, it is reversible. You can even prevent the onset of a periodontal disease entirely with proper oral hygiene habits. Yet, if you notice tenderness, pain, or discomfort, our dentists can help. Here are the primary stages of gum disease, common symptoms, and what treatment looks like for patients. Stages of Gum Disease The earliest stage of gum disease is gingivitis. It is typical at this stage for the gums to become inflamed and easily bleed during tooth brushing or flossing. Any sensitivity that results at this point in time is due to plaque buildup along your gum line that later hardens into tartar. Related Post -> Why Are My Teeth Sensitive? When an individual experiences gingivitis, they have gum irritation but do not yet have any irreversible bone or tissue damage...
If you’re part of the Baby Boomer generation (ages 57+) or older, then your dental health may not be high on your priority list. Maybe you’re dealing with other health issues, or maybe you believe that whatever chance you had to protect your oral health is long gone. However, it’s never too late to practice better oral hygiene so you can have a healthier smile. This is the last blog post in our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series. Throughout this series, we’ve explored the different oral health risks people must face at different stages of life. Our West Michigan family dentists have helped patients of all generations improve their oral health and protect their smiles. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children, Gen Z, millennials, and Generation X. Now, let’s take a look at what Baby Boomers and seniors in general can do to protect their smiles against certain oral health risks. Oral Health Risks for Baby Boomers Although seniors may be at risk for more oral health problems, every patient is different. A lifetime of good oral hygiene habits can go a long way in protecting your smile as you enter retirement. However, some health risks strike...
If you’re in your forties or fifties—part of what’s more popularly known as Generation X, or Gen X for short—then you probably feel pretty confident about your oral health. After all, you’ve been brushing and flossing for decades, and dental treatments like dentures from our West Michigan dentists still feel far off in the future. What could you possibly need to worry about? Well, even middle-aged adults still have a thing or two to learn about oral hygiene. As we age and change, so do our teeth and gums. Each stage of life presents new challenges to maintaining a healthy smile. In our “Oral Hygiene Tips” blog series, we’re examining the oral health risks and healthy practices of different generations. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children, Gen Z, and millennials. Now, here are the oral health risks associated with Generation X. What Gen X Should Look Out For Even if you’ve been practicing good oral hygiene habits for decades, your age puts you at an increased risk for certain health issues. For Gen Xers, you’ll need to keep an eye out for symptoms of two major oral health problems: periodontal disease and obstructive sleep apnea. Periodontal Disease...
Millennials are now the largest generational cohort in America. They include everyone from young adults graduating from college to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to parents leading PTA meetings. They also, unfortunately, include adults dealing with more serious oral health issues, possibly for the first time. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re examining the oral health risks and healthy practices of different generations. Our West Michigan family dentists have helped patients of all ages achieve healthier smiles. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children as well as preteens and teenagers. Now, let’s take a look at the state of oral health for the millennial generation (ages 25–40, for our purposes). Oral Health Concerns for Millennials In general, there are two major oral health risks to keep an eye on as you enter your twenties and thirties: Gum disease Stress-related oral health issues Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) can strike at any age, but it becomes particularly prevalent at this stage of life. In fact, nearly half of all adults ages 30 and older have some form of periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Specifically, you’ll want...
Adolescence is famous for being a season of change, especially in the body. However, many people forget that your oral health needs also change during this time. The oral hygiene tips you learned as a child may need to be tweaked or expanded to serve you well as a teenager. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re diving deep into the oral health concerns you should be aware of at every age. Our West Michigan family dentists are eager to help patients adopt new oral health practices at different life stages. Our first blog dealt with oral health risks and hygiene tips for children. In this blog, let’s take a look at common risks and practices for Generation Z, commonly known simply as Gen Z. Oral Health Concerns for Preteens and Teenagers Preteens and teenagers need to pay special attention to the following aspects of their dental health: Dental emergencies Orthodontic treatment Eating disorders Gum disease and oral cancer Dental Emergencies It’s estimated that three out of four American households have at least one school-aged child participating in youth sports. While sports are a great form of exercise, they can also unfortunately be the cause of many dental emergencies....
Did you know that different oral health risks occur at different ages? That means you’ll need new oral hygiene habits and dental treatments at different stages of your life. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re taking a look at the kinds of oral health issues you should expect and the habits you should practice at certain ages. Our West Michigan family dentists will be there for you every step of the way. For our first blog, let’s discuss some oral health risks and hygiene tips for children. Oral Health Risks for Children The two most common health risks for young children are cavities and common dental emergencies. Cavities 42% of children ages 2 to 11 have had dental caries (cavities) in their baby teeth. While this statistic is troubling, you may be thinking, “Wait a minute — why does it matter if cavities form in baby teeth? Aren’t they going to fall out anyway?” While it’s true that baby teeth (also known as primary teeth) aren’t permanent, that doesn’t mean tooth decay is less of a problem. We have to treat cavities in children’s primary teeth so their adult teeth will emerge correctly. Also, untreated cavities in primary...
Invisa-what? Invisalign is a form of clear aligners used in orthodontics to straighten teeth. Think of them like braces… just better. Now, I don’t just say that without proof. Here’s why Invisalign would win in a cage match against braces: 1. Growing up did you ever dream of having a superpower? Maybe it was flying or super strength, but what about invisibility? Invisalign gives your teeth just that… like its name implies they are virtually invisible. Sure it’s not a real superpower, but it beats traditional braces, which are definitely NOT invisible! 2. Think to yourself, “do I like… popcorn at the movies eating my kid’s hard candy from Halloween while they sleep the redeeming quality of gum after a few pieces of garlic bread starting my day with a freshly toasted bagel downing a bag of chips while watching Sunday night football Or what about nuts, ice (I mean come on... ICE?), chewy candy, pizza crust, crunchy vegetables and fruits, hard crackers, pretzels, etc.” Chew on that, no pun intended. Those are all pulled from a list titled, “Foods To Completely Avoid With Braces.” Guess who wins round 2 of the Invisalign vs. Braces cage match? You guessed it - Invisalign. All of those...
Dental emergencies can be just as urgent and dangerous as other health emergencies. However, you don’t have to wait until you’re experiencing a dental emergency before you take action and seek care from our West MI emergency dentists. There’s plenty you can do while your smile is still healthy to prevent problems from happening in the first place. Here are 5 ways you can steer clear of a dental emergency. 1. Commit to Practicing Good Oral Hygiene Habits If you decide to adopt just one preventive practice, make it this. Practicing good oral hygiene is one of the best things you can do to prevent dental emergencies. What is good oral hygiene? Our definition, informed by recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA), includes 3 easy habits: Brushing your teeth for two minutes, at least twice a day Flossing at least once daily Getting your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months Brushing and flossing get rid of plaque, which is a thin layer of bacteria that damages your teeth and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Most plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing, but any plaque that’s left behind can develop into tartar, which can only be...
Good oral hygiene is the foundation of your oral health. That means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling a teeth cleaning every six months. But if you’re already brushing and flossing, why do you need a teeth cleaning? Do you really need to see the dentist twice a year? The answer is yes — for the most part. Here are a few reasons why you should see your dentist every six months. Get a Stronger, More Thorough Teeth Cleaning Brushing and flossing on your own is critical in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque, the slick film you feel on your teeth in the morning, forms naturally every day, and brushing and flossing is the only way to get rid of it. If you don’t brush and floss, then bacteria will consume the plaque and produce acids that will wear down your teeth and gums. Plaque that builds up over time eventually turns into tartar, a harder substance that can’t be removed with at-home oral hygiene habits. Even if you’re a devoted brusher and flosser, there may be parts of your teeth that are difficult to reach where plaque can build up over time, turning...
You may have considered what it would cost to have a healthy smile, but what does an unhealthy smile cost you? When you consider the effects of a neglected smile, perhaps you think of crooked or discolored teeth, bad breath, or even tooth loss. But a lack of oral hygiene can lead to health problems beyond those in your mouth. Your body is made of interconnected systems, and the mouth serves as the primary gateway for what enters the body. That means that an unhealthy mouth can result in health problems elsewhere in your body. Similarly, the mouth can serve as a diagnostic tool for other health issues that seem to have little to do with your smile. Keep reading to learn more about the relationship between oral health and the rest of the body. How Your Oral Health Affects Your Body’s Health Did you know your mouth is full of bacteria? Don’t worry — for the most part, this is a good thing! A healthy mouth needs to have enough good bacteria to fight off disease-carrying microorganisms that may enter the mouth when you breathe, drink, or eat. Good bacteria in the mouth can help you: Fight bad breath...
We all want our smile to last for years to come. But what can we do to prevent oral health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and more? Here are three simple ways you can protect your smile: Brush your teeth twice a day Floss daily Get your teeth cleaned twice a year 1. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day Someone probably told you as a child to brush your teeth twice a day. Maybe it was your parent or a teacher or a pediatric dentist. Whoever it was, they gave you great advice that you can follow for the rest of your life. Brushing your teeth twice a day is as important in adulthood as it was during your childhood. The reason is because brushing your teeth helps get rid of plaque. Plaque forms when carbohydrates and sugars are left on your teeth. Certain bacteria in your mouth feed on plaque and produce acid as a result. This acid then eats away at the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth known as enamel, causing tooth decay. You may recognize plaque as the fuzzy feeling on your teeth and/or tongue in the morning before you brush your teeth. Fortunately,...
Throughout childhood, losing a tooth isn’t usually a cause for concern — in fact, if the Tooth Fairy is involved, it may even be a cause for celebration. But losing a tooth as an adult can be a stressful situation. Our West Michigan dentists are here to help you navigate this time in your life. Oftentimes, adult tooth loss is the result of an underlying oral health issue, like tooth decay, or some kind of traumatic accident, like a sports injury. If you’ve lost a tooth, your best course of action is often to pursue replacement. Here are 3 tooth replacement options that we offer at MI Smiles Dental. 1. Dental Crowns Dental crowns are the best option for people who have only lost part of their tooth. Crowns don’t technically replace teeth; they simply cover them like a cap. If your tooth has been chipped or cracked, a crown can easily fit on top of it and restore the functionality of that tooth. Crowns are also great options if your tooth is still intact but fragile, such as a tooth with a large filling. It’s important to make sure your new crown fits snugly onto your existing tooth. That’s...
Our own sleep habits can remain a mystery to us. We may need a disgruntled partner or roommate to enlighten us to the truth about something mild, like snoring, or something more serious, like grinding or clenching teeth. Fortunately, our West MI dentists can help provide you with a custom night guard if you suffer from the latter. Bruxism is the act of grinding or clenching your teeth, especially at nighttime. Many people who suffer from bruxism can be completely unaware that they have an actual, treatable health condition. In fact, studies have shown that as many aseight percent of adults and a third of children grind their teeth at night. While a complaint from an outside observer can be helpful, it’s not the only form of diagnosis. There are other signs you can watch out for if you think you may suffer from bruxism. Here’s what you need to know about excessive teeth grinding or clenching. Signs You May Clench or Grind Your Teeth Grinding or clenching can result in serious problems for your teeth if left untreated. If you think you may engage in these behaviors, keep on the lookout forsymptoms such as: Chipped or cracked teeth Headaches...
Do your holiday plans include a trip to the dentist? They should. Most insurance companies give you a certain amount to spend on dental care each year. However, you could be missing out on these dental benefits if you don’t see your dentist at least twice a year for preventive care. Scheduling your appointment near the end of the year is the perfect way to make sure you take full advantage of your dental benefits. Reasons to Use Dental Benefits Use It or Lose It Most insurance companies give you an annual amount to spend on dental care. If you don’t use your benefits, they’re gone forever. Year-end visits are the best way to use all of the dental benefits you can. If you’ve been putting off your next appointment because you were afraid of what we might find, schedule your appointment before the end of the year. Our dentists and the American Dental Association recommend you have a teeth cleaning every six months. A teeth cleaning and oral examination allows us to monitor your health. Since your policy most likely covers the full cost of preventive dentistry, there’s no reason not to use your benefits as much as you...
Though it may sound intimidating, you don’t have to fear wisdom teeth surgery! At MI Smiles Dental, our West MI dentists are here to help make sure your surgery and wisdom teeth recovery remains stress-free. Here are a few ways to make the healing process after oral surgery go as smoothly as possible. Recover Successfully After Wisdom Tooth Extraction By: 1. Preparing Before Surgery Not only do we want you to have a comfortable experience in the dental chair, but we want you to be comfortable at home as well. Before you come in for oral surgery, we recommend preparing yourself for the recovery from start to finish. One of the most important things you can do is make sure the space where you intend to relax post-procedure is set up before you get home. Deciding to set everything up after your wisdom teeth surgery can be a major hassle. You’re going to want to sit down, rest, and not fuss with blankets, pillows, or your comfy armchair. 2. Queuing Up Your Favorite Movies or Shows It may sound silly, but a good movie can help your recovery process because movies allow us the time to relax. Try picking out...
Losing one of your teeth affects both your confidence and oral health. The good news is that our West Michigan dentists will be able to determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants. Getting a dental implant not only restores the look of your smile, but also the function of your teeth. That means you’ll be able to chew and eat your favorite foods again with confidence. Here’s what you need to know about eating after your dental implant procedure. What Are Dental Implants? A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that supports a crown and fills a gap in your smile. While dentures are still quite effective, our dentists know that dental implants can benefit some patients far more. Consisting of a titanium rod that bonds with the natural bone in the jaw, a dental implant remains secure and does not slip or shift. Because the implant is firmly rooted into the jawbone, there’s added stability and no need for adhesives. You can also brush and floss like normal after dental implants as they’re a permanent part of your smile. How Do Missing Teeth Affect My Diet? Eating becomes challenging when your teeth are not prepared to chew...
The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to enhance the appearance of the teeth that show when you smile and talk. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your smile, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment with one of our West Michigan cosmetic dentists. We offer a range of services that are designed to make it so patients can start smiling with confidence. In general, cosmetic dentistry can treat: Crooked teeth Irregularly shaped teeth Slight gaps between teeth Chipped tooth Cracked tooth Tooth discoloration Other minor damage to front teeth Here are 6 cosmetic dental treatments that you can choose from if you’re currently dissatisfied with your smile. Depending on Your Preferences, Our Dentists Offer: 1. Teeth Bonding Dental bonding is one of the more affordable smile makeovers that’s used to fix small stains, chips, cracks, and even cavities. Our dentists may also recommend teeth bonding to close small gaps in your smile or alter teeth that are misshapen. For the procedures, we use composite resin (tooth-colored material) to restore the strength and appearance of your teeth. You can expect the process to take 30-60 minutes per tooth as the resin has to be applied, shaped, cured, and polished...
As a dental practice that offers both dental implants and dentures, we’re often asked about the best ways to replace missing teeth. The tooth replacement options you explore with our West Michigan restorative dentists will ultimately depend on your oral health, budget, and personal preference. Here are the differences between getting dentures and getting dental implants. If you’d still like more information, our dentists would be happy to answer any questions you may have about either procedure. Dentures Dentures are an oral appliance made to look and function like natural teeth. We can help you explore the different types of dentures available, including partial, complete, conventional, and immediate dentures. Depending on the extent of tooth loss, our dentists may recommend a full or partial denture. While a full denture replaces an entire arch of teeth, a partial denture only replaces a few teeth. Dentures sit on top of your gums and must be removed before you go to sleep so your gums have a chance to recover. When you’re not wearing your dentures, they’ll need to be submerged in a glass of water or denture cleanser, so they don’t dry out, crack, and warp. The benefits of dentures include: Custom-made:...
It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Ask our West Michigan cosmetic dentists if you’re a candidate for Invisalign® clear aligner treatment. We often recommend Invisalign for teenagers and adults who want straighter teeth but are looking for an alternative to traditional metal braces. To determine your candidacy for Invisalign, call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. We’re always more than happy to answer any questions you might have. In the meantime, here are some of the reasons why you may be a good candidate for Invisalign. 1. You’re Motivated to Straighten Your Teeth If you’ve ever felt self-conscious of your smile, you’re likely to be highly motivated to wear your aligners as directed by one of our Invisalign dentists. For Invisalign to be effective, you must wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day. This means that you’ll only be able to remove your aligners during meals and while brushing teeth. Invisalign aligners exert pressure on teeth to move them into their final positions. During the first day or so of wearing new aligners, you’ll feel this pressure on your teeth. However, many of our patients feel that this...
Invisalign® can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months. But because your teeth are being shifted into position, you will still experience some discomfort during treatment. Fortunately, our West MI Invisalign dentists are here to answer all your questions! Invisalign clear aligners work because they exert constant pressure on your teeth. It’s common for patients to notice a tightness during the first 2 to 3 days of having the new top and bottom aligners in place. Here are a few tips that can help you feel more comfortable while wearing Invisalign. Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers Are you getting a new set of clear aligners soon? If so, take some over-the-counter pain relievers before your appointment with us. That way, the medication will have enough time to take effect before you wear your new aligners.Some common pain relievers found at most drugstores include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen. Be sure to only take medication as you need it and to follow dosage instructions. Moving forward, pain relief should prove most helpful during those first few days of wearing a new set. Switch to New Aligners Before Sleeping Sometimes it’s easier to ignore pain while you’re asleep. If you’re...
Many of our patients prefer dental implants when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are surgically embedded into your jawbone by our West MI dentists to give you more stability than other tooth replacement options. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions our dentists get about the dental implant procedure. 1) What Are Dental Implants? A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root made of titanium that is used to support a porcelain crown. Implants are permanent and will not shift when you eat or speak thanks to their surgical placement. If you have one or more missing teeth, our dentists may recommend dental implants to restore the appearance and function of your smile. 2) What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants? Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are anchored to your jawbone for long-lasting stability. This means that you’ll never have to worry about your dental implants moving like you would with dentures. With dental implants, you can eat all your favorite foods again! Your jawbone needs pressure from tooth roots to stay healthy. Otherwise, missing teeth and tooth roots will cause your jawbone to deteriorate over time. Dental implants fix this problem by...
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